
Cha Eun-woo

personal information
birthday March 30, 1997
location Korea
education Seoul National University
heart Single

Maxim Of Life :

Boils down to from a coaching and development perspective, is the criticality of role modelling by senior staff members. If we want our children to do the right things, we need to be their role model. If we want our staff to do the right thing, we need to model the behaviours we want them to demonstrate. The clichés, ‘lead by example’ and ‘Be the change you want to see’ spring to mind. Of course, it’s easier said than done (as my own children will attest), and our derailing tendencies may get in the way. Classic leadership ‘derailers’ here include a tendency to micro-manage; jumping in and taking over; or feeling the need to be (or at least to appear to be) the smartest person in the room.

personal information
birthday March 30, 1997
location Korea
education Seoul National University
heart Single

Maxim Of Life :

Boils down to from a coaching and development perspective, is the criticality of role modelling by senior staff members. If we want our children to do the right things, we need to be their role model. If we want our staff to do the right thing, we need to model the behaviours we want them to demonstrate. The clichés, ‘lead by example’ and ‘Be the change you want to see’ spring to mind. Of course, it’s easier said than done (as my own children will attest), and our derailing tendencies may get in the way. Classic leadership ‘derailers’ here include a tendency to micro-manage; jumping in and taking over; or feeling the need to be (or at least to appear to be) the smartest person in the room.

Vice Director

Cha Eun-woo